Contract award notice



Date of dispatch of this notice: 21/11/2023

External Reference: 2023-270706

TED Reference: 2023/S 227-713758

Contract award notice

Contract award notice

Results of the procurement procedure

Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Roscommon County Council
Áras an Chontae
Co. Roscommon
Contact person: David Meade
Telephone: +353 0906627004
Fax: +353 0906627040
NUTS code:  IE042 -  West
Internet address(es):

Joint procurement

The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body

Type of the contracting authority

Regional or local authority

Main activity

General public services

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



The N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge Road Project
Reference number:  RN1411218

Main CPV code

45233100  -  Construction work for highways, roads

Type of contract


Short description

The N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge Road Project comprises the design and construction of 34km of Type 1 Single Carriageway from the tie-in point of the N5 Ballaghaderreen Bypass in the west, passing to the south of the village of Frenchpark, before crossing the existing N5 and passing to the north of Bellanagare and Tulsk villages. The route then passes to the north of Clooncullaan Lough, before turning in a southerly direction to pass east of Strokestown before re-connecting to the existing N5 at Scramoge.

Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no

Total value of the procurement

Value excluding VAT:  259823500.00  EUR



Additional CPV code(s)

45000000  -  Construction work
45220000  -  Engineering works and construction works
45221100  -  Construction work for bridges
45223000  -  Structures construction work
45233000  -  Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
45233120  -  Road construction works
71311210  -  Highways consultancy services
71320000  -  Engineering design services
71322000  -  Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
71322300  -  Bridge-design services

Place of performance

NUTS code:  IE042 -  West
Main site or place of performance:  
Co. Roscommon, Ireland

Description of the procurement

Roscommon County Council intends to procure the N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge Road Project as a Design and Build Contract.
The N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge Road Project comprises, but is not limited to, the design and construction of 34km of Type 1 Single Carriageway from the tie-in point of the N5 Ballaghaderreen Bypass in the west re-connecting to the existing N5 at Scramoge east of Strokestown.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of works:-
- 34 km of National Primary Road to Type 1 Single Carriageway standard;
- 16km of realignment of existing National, Regional and Local roads;
- 5 nr. roundabouts (and associated public road lighting);
- 16 nr. 'T' junctions;
- Reconfiguration of a crossroads between the existing N5 and R361;
- major structures including 3 nr. road overbridges, 1 nr. road underbridge, 4 nr. river bridges, retaining walls at three locations;
- various accommodation underpasses;
- various culverts;
- extensive earthworks in low plasticity index glacial tills, including excavation of peat and unacceptable material, excavation and processing of rock and other material, provision of material deposition areas, and deposition and recovery of unacceptable material for use in the works;
- earthworks in karst ground conditions;
- various drainage works including the provision of attenuation ponds and wetlands;
- various Authority and Utility diversions including the diversion of electricity, eir and water apparatus;
- ITS provision;
- various accommodation works and ancillary side roads, domestic and agricultural accesses;
- traffic management.
- various ancillary works
The project will include ecological, noise and visual mitigation requirements and landscaping.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and other planning documents associated with the project can be found at the following link:
It is anticipated that the Contract will be awarded in Q4, 2022 - Q1, 2023 subject to Government approval.
A more detailed description of works required will be set out in the Instructions to Tenderers which will be issued to the successful Applicants who are shortlisted following the pre-qualification stage of the procurement process.

Award criteria

Criteria below
Cost criterion  -  Name:  Cost  /  Weighting:  100

Information about options

Options: no

Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no

Additional information

Applicants are required to register on the etenders government website at to download Pre-Qualification Documents.
The instructions as per the Pre-Qualification Documentation.

Section IV: Procedure




Type of procedure

Restricted procedure

Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes

Administrative information


Previous publication concerning this procedure

Notice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 075-197487

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

Title: The N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge Road Project

A contract/lot is awarded: yes

Award of contract


Date of conclusion of the contract


Information about tenders

Number of tenders received:  1
Number of tenders received by electronic means:  1
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators :  no

Name and address of the contractor

Wills Bros Ltd
Ballylahan Bridge
Co Mayo
Telephone: +353 0949256221
NUTS code:  IE042 -  West
Internet address:

The contractor is an SME : no

Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)

Total value of the contract/lot:  259823500.00  EUR

Section VI: Complementary information


Additional information

An Information Memorandum and the accompanying Suitability Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) and Role Specific Information Sheets (together the “Pre-Qualification Documents”) are available on the etenders Website at via the link provided in section I.3. Interested parties wishing to participate should ensure that the SAQ’s, Supplements and associated Appendices and the Role Specific Information Sheets are completed and returned in accordance with the requirements set out in the Pre-Qualification Documents.
Roscommon County Council will be the Contracting Authority for this Contract.
Roscommon County Council is not liable for any participant’s costs arising in connection with participating in the competition, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, or if the competition is cancelled or postponed.
Roscommon County Council has the right at any time and without notice to:
(i) terminate the competition (or part of it);
(ii) change the competition’s basis or procedures;
(iii) procure the contract by other means;
(iv) negotiate with one or more parties at any time;
(v) reject any, or all, of the applications/tenders;
(vi) not furnish a candidate or tenderer with additional information;
or to do any combination of the foregoing or anything else deemed appropriate. In no instance will Roscommon County Council be required to give any reason for any alteration or termination of the process.
If any past or future contracts or other documents are summarised or described in this document, or in other information given to Applicants, the summary or description must not be taken as comprehensive, or as a substitute for reading the contract or other document itself when it becomes available.
Award of contract will be subject to Government approval.

Procedures for review


Review body

Central Office of the High Court
Four Courts, Inns Quay, Smithfield
Dublin 7
Telephone: +353 018886211
Internet address: