D20/CON/1033 - Beat the Peak Business

Below you find information regarding this tender. To be able to work on a response for the buyer you have to be registered and logged in.


243565:1 Beat the Peak Business

It is advisable to read all documentation immediately in order to confirm whether or not you will participate in this tendering process on this occasion. All tenders must be submitted via this eTenders website. No hard copy tenders will be accepted.

To access and/or download the documentation, including our formal Letter of Invitation:  

  • Click on the ACCEPT button above (top left hand corner of this screen)  
  • Click VIEW RFT  
  • Click on VIEW DOCUMENTS:  

This allows you to view all the associated documents, download individual documents, or you can download all the documents by clicking on the button DOWNLOAD ALL (ZIP)  

If you decide not to participate in this tendering process, please return to the Instructions/Response Screen and click on the CANCEL EXPRESSION OF INTEREST button. 

If you decide to participate in this tendering process, please prepare all your response documents and upload them by clicking on the ATTACH DOCUMENTS button. When you are happy that all documents have been uploaded successfully click on the SUBMIT RESPONSE button. 

Please be mindful of all relevant dates (i.e. closing date for clarifications and closing date for submitting a tender) as advised in the Letter of Invitation contained in the documentation package. 

It is very important that you commence the scanning and upload of your tender response in good time. Please do not leave the uploading of your tender until the last minute as the system will automatically shut down at the exact time specified in our invitation letter. Tenders that are not fully uploaded by the response deadline will not be accepted by the system.