1926 - Census 1926 - Programme Management Services

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Census 1926 Programme Management Services The service will involve the following: 1. Working with the Keeper (Digital Archives) and SMT, develop a comprehensive Project Plan 2023-2026 to ensure the successful delivery of the project. 2. Co-ordinate the delivery of Census 1926 across all relevant functions in the National Archives. 3. Liaise on an ongoing basis with the overall Census 1926 Steering Group (NAI, DTCAGSM, CSO). 4. Working with the Keeper undertake all procurement of specialist services and manage these contracts in line with best practice procurement. 5. Manage the overall budget of the programme with senior management and the Finance Unit of the NAI ensuring transparency in its allocation and use. All budget decisions will be made by the management of the National Archives. 6. Ensure that monitoring, evaluation and measurement are built into the programme from the outset. 7. Manage and ensure that communications relating to the programme both internally and externally across a range of platforms are focused, effective and targeted. 8. Support the delivery of a strong and focused public engagement programme for the National Archives over the coming years running up to the release of the 1926 Census. 9. Report on the programme delivery to the Senior Team in the National Archives and make recommendations where any changes/modifications are required. The 1926 census (Census 1926) was the first census undertaken following the establishment of the State in 1922. It was carried out by the Statistics Branch of the Department of Industry and Commerce under the Statistics Act 1926.


27/01/2023 12:00:00

72224000-1  Project management consultancy services
73000000-2  Research and development services and related consultancy services
73100000-3  Research and experimental development services
75000000-6  Administration, defence and social security services
75100000-7  Administration services
75110000-0  General public services
75111000-7  Executive and legislative services
75111100-8  Executive services
75111200-9  Legislative services
75112000-4  Administrative services for business operations
75112100-5  Administrative development project services
75120000-3  Administrative services of agencies
75124000-1  Administrative recreational, cultural and religious services
75130000-6  Supporting services for the government
79000000-4  Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79400000-8  Business and management consultancy and related services
79410000-1  Business and management consultancy services
79411000-8  General management consultancy services
79500000-9  Office-support services
79900000-3  Miscellaneous business and business-related services
79990000-0  Miscellaneous business-related services
92000000-1  Recreational, cultural and sporting services
92500000-6  Library, archives, museums and other cultural services
92510000-9  Library and archive services
92511000-6  Library services
92512000-3  Archive services
92520000-2  Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings

Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
23 Kildare Street
View profile

David Noonan

Published notices
Contract Notice (eTenders) 12/12/2022 17:00
Census 1926 - Programme Management Services
Instructions to bidder:

Census 1926 Programme Management Services The service will involve the following: 1. Working with the Management to develop a comprehensive Project Plan 2023-2026 to ensure the successful delivery of the project. 2. Co-ordinate the delivery of Census 1926 across all relevant functions in the National Archives. 3. Liaise on an ongoing basis with the overall Census 1926 Steering Group (NAI, DTCAGSM, CSO). 4. Working with the Keeper undertake all procurement of Specialist Services

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National Archives
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Dublin 8