2022/48 - Request to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of consultancy services - Micro Credential in Robotics

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

 A Dhaoine Uaisle

 LMETB invites you to submit your response to this Request for Tender to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the The provision of consultancy services to assist in the development, validation, peer review and maintenance portfolio of micro-credential in Robotics at NFQ Level 6.

 Tender Returns

 The latest time and date for return of submissions is 16th December 2022 at 12 noon

Tender submissions must be received by eTenders portal only, with the onus resting with the Tendering party to ensure receipt of the submission before the latest time and date for receipt of tenders.

Tenders sent to any other address will be deemed to be invalid tenders. Unsigned tenders/tender  proposal forms will likewise be deemed to be invalid tenders. The signatures must be that of a Principal or Director of the firm.


 All queries regarding this RFT should go through the Questions and Answers facility on (http://www.etenders.gov.ie/)  The closing date for receipt of queries is 9th December 2022 12noon.

All queries must be submitted as soon as possible and, in any event, not later 12noon on 9th December 2022, although LMETB may at its discretion respond to queries raised after that date. If LMETB responds to a query, it will send the response to each Tenderer, unless the Tenderer asking the query has clearly designated the query as confidential and LMETB agrees that it should be treated as confidential.

 Basis of Assessment for Award Criteria

 The basis of assessment of the RFT is detailed in the invitation to Tenderers.

 Please submit your response on the Tender Response Document.

 Is mise, le meas,

 Mary Keane,

 Procurement Officer.