HSE 19533 - Supply and installation of 33 outdoor COVID Memorial Benches

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The HSE requirement is for the design, manufacture, delivery and installation of 33 outdoor COVID Memorial Benches in healthcare facilities nationwide. The benches will include a plate for engraved messages (wording to be confirmed – word count 50-60 words). Manufactured using high quality materials to withstand weather and time, be low maintenance and capable of seating 3 adults and with a minimum weight bearing of 300kg.


30/06/2022 12:00:00

39113300-0  Bench seats

Health Service Executive (HSE)
Head Office
Millennium Park
View profile

Nicola Monaghan

Published notices
Contract Notice (eTenders) 17/06/2022 14:00
Supply and installation of 33 outdoor COVID Memorial Benches
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