The Contracting Authority, as represented by the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), seeks the provision of geologist services to the Irish Construction Materials Project, which will report to the Minerals programme. The successful tenderer will assist in the delivery of an 18 month schedule of works to support the development of a Market Surveillance programme within the aggregates sector. This project will technically support the development of a comprehensive database of geologically derived Irish construction materials and assist various stakeholders in their ongoing work in the sector, including the National Building Control Office and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
23/07/2021 12:00:00
71351200-5 Geological and geophysical consultancy services
14523100-4 Minerals
44110000-4 Construction materials
71332000-4 Geotechnical engineering services
71351210-8 Geophysical consultancy services
71351220-1 Geological consultancy services
71351910-5 Geology services
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
29-31 Adelaide Road
Dublin 2
View profile
Frank Daly
Notice | Date of dispatch |
Contract notice (TED (v209)) | 18/06/2021 15:41 |
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) | 11/10/2021 17:41 |