Ballina Tidy Towns - All-Weather pitches at Ballina Town Park, Ballina

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Tom Ruane Park is a relatively large urban Park located near the centre of Ballina town. The Park contains an award-winning playground that was constructed in 2015 and a small MUGA Park. Immediately adjacent to the Sligo Road in the South Eastern corner of the Park there are 3 number Ball courts. These facilities are enclosed by a chain-link fence containing a macadam surface. Our proposal is to eliminate the middle court and to refurbish providing 2 larger facilities one as a MUGA and the other as a Tennis Court. Both courts will be divided by a macadam path in excess of 8 meters in width. See drawings. Proposals shall include the design, supply and installation of all fencing, drainage, surfacing and including all associated landscaping and civil works.


03/12/2020 12:00:00

45212220-4  Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work
37450000-7  Field and court sports equipment
37452720-4  Tennis court equipment
43325000-7  Park and playground equipment
44313100-8  Wire-mesh fencing
45000000-7  Construction work
45112720-8  Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
45112723-9  Landscaping work for playgrounds
45210000-2  Building construction work
45212000-6  Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
45212200-8  Construction work for sports facilities
45233250-6  Surfacing work except for roads

Ballina Tidy Towns
Ballina Tidy Towns c/o Moy Valley Resources, Bunree
View profile

David Lally

Published notices
Contract Notice (eTenders) 12/11/2020 17:30
All-Weather pitches at Ballina Town Park, Ballina
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