Market Consultation for Next Generation Ticketing

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The Authority wishes to invite interested parties to partake in this Market Consultation exercise with the ultimate intention of procuring Next Generation Ticketing (NGT) capabilities incorporating an Account Based Back Office along with new validation devices and associated services. NGT is the Authority’s programme to renew the ticketing equipment and methods of payment for customers starting with urban bus services. Prior to procurement, the Authority wishes to discuss its intentions and assumptions with the market. Consequently the Authority wishes to invite interested parties to partake in this Market Consultation exercise. The information received in this consultation shall enable the Authority to make an informed decision on its requirements for such an initiative, should the Authority decide to proceed with any further procurement. The Authority is expected to commence the process to tender for a supplier(s) in early 2020.


04/12/2019 12:00:00

72000000-5  IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
30162000-2  Smart cards
34000000-7  Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
66170000-2  Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
72200000-7  Software programming and consultancy services
72250000-2  System and support services
72253000-3  Helpdesk and support services
72253100-4  Helpdesk services
72253200-5  Systems support services
72510000-3  Computer-related management services

National Transport Authority
Dun Sceine, Iveagh Court Harcourt Lane, D02WT20
View profile

Mark Bradwell

Published notices
Periodic indicative Notice - Utilities (TED (v209)) 19/11/2019 17:40
Market Consultation for Next Generation Ticketing
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