Public company profile

Company information

Name and description

Leitrim County Council
Department: Leitrim County Council
Organisation no (or VAT): N/A
Local Authority

Contact information

Aras An Chontae
Carrick on Shannon


Contact person

Una Wynne
+353 719620005
+353 719621982
Leitrim County Council

Public documents

External links

Buyer profile

  • General procurement
Type of the contracting authority:
- in case of a notice published by a contracting authority
  • Regional or local authority
Main activity
- in case of a notice published by a contracting authority
  • General public services
  • Housing and community amenities
  • Economic and financial affairs
  • Recreation, culture and religion
- in case of a notice published by a contracting entity
  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Exploration and extraction of gas and oil