Scoil Iosa School Building Works - Scoil Iosa, Ballina - Pre-qualification of Main Contractor regarding a major construction project.

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Phased demolition of the existing school buildings, all associated out buildings, structures, play shelters and the 2 No. derelict ruins located on the site. Construction of a new 2-storey primary school with a total floor area of 2786sqm incorporating 13 classrooms, SEN Base, GP Hall and ancillary accommodation Phased site works to include: Revised access from McDermott Street to provide vehicular drop-off, set-down and parking provisions on site, associated hard and soft play surfaces to include a sensory garden, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, bin and fuel storage, associated surface water attenuation, foul and surface water drainage connections, site works and all other ancillary services at Scoil Iosa, Ballina, Co. Mayo. The works also include the removal of asbestos containing materials. The works are to be carried out while the school shall remain in operation.


14/04/2023 17:00:00

45214200-2  Construction work for school buildings
45000000-7  Construction work
45210000-2  Building construction work
45214000-0  Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
45214210-5  Primary school construction work
45260000-7  Roof works and other special trade construction works
45262000-1  Special trade construction works other than roof works
45262600-7  Miscellaneous special-trade construction work
45262660-5  Asbestos-removal work

Scoil Iosa (Ballina)
Convent Hill
View profile

Michael Tunney

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 10/03/2023 16:10
Scoil Iosa, Ballina - Pre-qualification of Main Contractor regarding a major construction project.
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Documents Documents
RFT mailing address:
Scoil Iosa,
Convent Hill, Ballina,
Co. Mayo