Construction of new 2 Storey School at Naas Co. Kildare

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

The development will consist of the removal of all existing temporary school buildings, demolition of existing school building and associated site works, construction of a new two storey primary school comprising of 16 classrooms, 3 resource rooms, 1 staff room, 2 staff offices,1 General Purpose Hall and associated storage rooms/servery, 1 multi-purpose room, staff and student toilets, 1 library/ resource room, 2 base classrooms for special needs unit, 1 central activities space and ancillary accommodation / plant rooms, all associated external works including provision of 1. No new vehicular / pedestrian entrance to north of site from Corban’s Lane and 1. No. new vehicular / pedestrian to west of site from Loch Bui, internal bus set-down and all footpaths, staff car parking, cycle parking, playing fields, 2 no. ball courts, 1 junior play area, 1 soft play area, bin stores, storm drainage system, landscaping, and boundary treatments.


10/03/2023 12:00:00

45214210-5  Primary school construction work
45000000-7  Construction work
45210000-2  Building construction work
45214000-0  Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
45214200-2  Construction work for school buildings

St. Corban’s Boys National School (Naas)
Co. Kildare
View profile

Sharon Callan

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 09/02/2023 12:26
Construction of new 2 Storey School at Naas Co. Kildare
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