September 22 - Establishment of Multiple Operator Framework Agreement for Construction Consultancy Services Lot 4

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Munster Technological University (MTU) tendered for a Multiple-operator Framework Agreement for Principal construction-related consultants as separate disciplines, each contracted individually to MTU. The design consultants will act together as part of multi-disciplinary design team for various capital development projects across MTU Cork and Kerry Campuses. MTU intend to create a design team framework comprising of 5no. lots, for which lot 4 is for M&E Services Engineering Services including Specialist for Energy Efficiency Designer. The Framework Agreement will be established on foot of 2 Stage Restricted procedure competitive tender for the award of the initial contract for the development of Phase 2 of the MTU Sports Arena to provide a new Higher Performance Indoor Athletics Centre on the MTU Cork, Bishopstown Campus (the “Initial Contract”). The Initial Contract is described in more detail in section 2.1 hereunder. It is envisaged that a Design Team will be appointed for the “Initial Contract” in Q4 2022. The successful framework members in alphabetical order are: Arup Axiseng M&E Ltd Delap & Waller Don O'Malley & Partners JODA Engineering Consultants JV Tierney Varming Consulting Engineers This is a Contract Award Notice. This tender opportunity is now closed.


11/10/2022 12:00:00

71334000-8  Mechanical and electrical engineering services
71314000-2  Energy and related services
71314300-5  Energy-efficiency consultancy services
71333000-1  Mechanical engineering services
71530000-2  Construction consultancy services

Munster Technological University
Co Kerry
View profile

Sharon Coffey

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 12/09/2022 12:11
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 26/10/2023 19:40
Establishment of Multiple Operator Framework Agreement for Construction Consultancy Services Lot 4
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