LCETB/2022/26 - Main Contractor for New School Build Primary School for Sacred Heart NS Monaleen, Co. Limerick

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The demolition of the existing single storey school buildings and the construction of a new stepped 2 storey school building comprising; 32no. classrooms, special needs unit, GP room, library, resource rooms, staff room, ancillary accommodation all measuring approximately 5,516m2. The associated site works include; ball courts, yard area, grass playing areas, car parking, drop-off zone, bicycle parking, boundary walls, vehicular entry/ exit points, pedestrian access points, traffic calming measures on site and all other ancillary site works.


22/04/2022 12:00:00

45214200-2  Construction work for school buildings
45000000-7  Construction work
45210000-2  Building construction work
45214210-5  Primary school construction work

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Procurement/Capital Works Section, Station Road
View profile

Marie Cooney

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 14/03/2022 15:11
Main Contractor for New School Build Primary School for Sacred Heart NS Monaleen, Co. Limerick
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