TEN2100147 - RFT for an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the Shannon Pot Discovery Centre & Cavan Burren Park for Cavan County Council

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RFT for an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the Shannon Pot Discovery Centre & Cavan Burren Park for Cavan County Council. Cavan County Counil wishes to appoint an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the Shannon Pot Discovery Centre, and Cavan Burren Park Project. The Project is summarised by the following elements: Shannon Pot - New Visitor Discover Centre - Interperative Trails from the proposed Discovery Centre to Shannon Pot - Elevated Viewing Platform - Bridge crossing the River Shannon Cavan Burren Park - Enhancement of Existing Facilities (Visitor Centre) - Car Park Upgrade Works - Development of an Elevated Walkway - Elevated Viewing Platform - Outdoor Amphitheatre The Design Team services being procured as part of this process consist of the following Principal Services, and Specialist Skills: Principal Services; - Architect (Integrated Design Team Lead) - Civil / Structural Engineer - Building Services (Mechanical and Electrical) Engineer - Fire Safety Consultant - Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Specialist Skills; - Assigned Certifier and Design Certifier - Universal Access Design - Planning and Environmental Consultant - Ecologist - Archaeologist - Geotechnical Engineer - Bridge Design - Traffic and Transport Planning - Thermal Model Design - BER Design - Audio Visual Design - Acoustic Design - Interior Design - Landscape Architect - Trail Engineer Please refer to Tender Documents for further details.


31/01/2022 12:00:00

71000000-8  Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71221000-3  Architectural services for buildings
71240000-2  Architectural, engineering and planning services
71242000-6  Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
71243000-3  Draft plans (systems and integration)
71244000-0  Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
71245000-7  Approval plans, working drawings and specifications
71247000-1  Supervision of building work
71248000-8  Supervision of project and documentation
71250000-5  Architectural, engineering and surveying services
71300000-1  Engineering services
71311000-1  Civil engineering consultancy services
71312000-8  Structural engineering consultancy services
71315000-9  Building services
71315210-4  Building services consultancy services
71317200-5  Health and safety services
71317210-8  Health and safety consultancy services
71321000-4  Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
71321100-5  Construction economics services
71324000-5  Quantity surveying services
71334000-8  Mechanical and electrical engineering services
75251110-4  Fire-prevention services
79415200-8  Design consultancy services

Cavan County Council
Farnham Street
View profile

The CTA Unit (Genie Connaughton)

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 13/12/2021 12:11
    Corrigendum (TED (v209)) 14/01/2022 15:56
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 28/06/2022 12:11
RFT for an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the Shannon Pot Discovery Centre & Cavan Burren Park for Cavan County Council
Instructions to bidder:

Refer to RFQ for further details

Additional information:
Documents Documents