Database of Irish Market Vehicle - Contract Award Notice Database of Irish Market Vehicle Information through an API interface

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

SEAI sought to identify a supplier to provide a Database of Irish Market Vehicle Information to provide SEAI with a useable Application Programming Interface (API) of Irish market (Republic of Ireland market only) vehicle information to be utilised in an online calculator/comparator tool. Contract Awarded under Negotiated Procedure to Jato Dynamics Limited Hunton House, Highbridge Industrial Estate, Oxford Road Uxbridge UB8 1LX UK Contract signed 24 Jan 2022 For further information please see Request for Tender at


15/11/2021 12:00:00

73120000-9  Experimental development services
31610000-5  Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles
34100000-8  Motor vehicles
34144900-7  Electric vehicles
48610000-7  Database systems
73200000-4  Research and development consultancy services

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Three Park Place
Upper Hatch Street
Dublin 2
View profile

Patrick Pirkl

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 29/09/2021 16:11
    Corrigendum (TED (v209)) 02/11/2021 09:26
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 04/02/2022 15:11
A Database of Irish Market Vehicle Information through an API interface
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