EV/2021/04 - Specialist Economic, Financial, Investment and Appraisal Services to Support Delivery of a Programme of Work of the Strategy Management & Investment Analysis Division

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As the National Tourism Development Authority, Fáilte Ireland’s role is to support the long-term sustainable growth in the economic, social, cultural and environmental contribution of tourism to Ireland. Fáilte Ireland has overseen tourism investment in Ireland through a range of funding programmes. Our most recent strategic framework “Tourism Development & Innovation: A Strategy for Investment 2016-2022” was formulated in the context of Government’s policy framework, Project Ireland 2040 Strategy, and longer-term objectives for the tourism sector. Within these parameters Fáilte Ireland is rolling out a range of investment schemes which will be focused on supporting and realising Fáilte Ireland’s strategic objectives of developing world class tourism products to drive economic development by supporting the key regional tourism brands of Dublin, Ireland’s Ancient East, Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands. Fáilte Ireland wishes to tender for a single-party framework to enable the provision of a range of specialist services to enable the delivery of key work programmes of the Strategy Management & Investment Analysis Divisions. This programme of work will encompass the delivery of a range of significant investment schemes and associated evaluation, impact analysis and strategy review projects.


12/08/2021 12:00:00

66171000-9  Financial consultancy services
79311410-4  Economic impact assessment
79412000-5  Financial management consultancy services

Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority
88-95 Amiens Street
Dublin 1
View profile

Glenda Byrne

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 13/07/2021 16:41
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 26/11/2021 09:41
Specialist Economic, Financial, Investment and Appraisal Services to Support Delivery of a Programme of Work of the Strategy Management & Investment Analysis Division
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