Strategic Environmental Assessment, Screening for Appropriate Assessment and Appropriate Assessment (if required) of the EMFAF OP 2021-2027

The RFT has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

The provision of an Environmental Analysis of Ireland’s Seafood Development Programme as part of the new European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) for the period 2021-2027 (incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment and screening for Appropriate Assessment) at the following premises: National Seafood Centre, Clonakilty, Co. Cork, Ireland - please note this location is to be considered the HOME BASE for the duration of the contract.


03/08/2021 17:00:00

90713000-8  Environmental issues consultancy services
73112000-0  Marine research services
77400000-4  Zoological services
90711000-4  Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
90711300-7  Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction
90711500-9  Environmental monitoring other than for construction

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Agriculture House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2
View profile

Keith Kelleher

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 18/06/2021 17:11
    Corrigendum (TED (v209)) 24/06/2021 11:56
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 13/08/2021 12:11
Strategic Environmental Assessment, Screening for Appropriate Assessment and Appropriate Assessment (if required) of the EMFAF OP 2021-2027
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