The works located off Esker Drive, Lucan consists of the creation of a new vehicular entrance off Esker Drive while the existing entrance will become exit only, minor alterations to the elevations and arrangement of functions to the existing building including replacement of roof finishes and heating system, the construction of a new one/two storey extension of circa 5,616 m² to accommodate a Special Education Needs Unit, a PE hall, teaching space and associated ancillary functions, the temporary relocation of one existing pre-fabricated building during the construction works, the removal of all pre-fabricated buildings at completion, the provision of temporary car parking during construction and the provision of circa 92 permanent car spaces and 100 bicycle spaces, the execution of a new arrangement of site works to include 6 no. ballcourts, a secure play area for the SEN Unit, and the creation of a secure link to the adjacent Local Authority park land/playing fields. Further project particulars will be provided within the tender documentation at Stage 2 of this competition. Reserved Specialist to be procured separately and novated to the main works contractor include Mechanical Services and Electrical Services specialists.
30/04/2021 12:00:00
45351000-2 Mechanical engineering installation works
45210000-2 Building construction work
45214220-8 Secondary school construction work
Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board
1 Tuansgate, Belgard Square East, Tallaght
Dublin 24
View profile
John Donovan
Notice | Date of dispatch |
Contract notice (TED (v209)) | 19/03/2021 17:41 |