This is a call to competition by Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) for the procurement the services of Asset Management Rail Consultants to provide support to the Head of Asset Management. The Services required are to support the Head of Asset Management to:
o embed excellence in Asset Management in Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Management
o deliver the benchmarked industry standard savings from aligning with ISO 55001 and
o Develop and deliver the workstreams included below but not limited to:
o Carry out an Asset Management Maturity Assessment
o Develop and implement an Asset Management Improvement Roadmap
o Develop an Asset Information Strategy
o Build an Asset Management Culture
o Develop a Strategic Asset Management plan (SAMP)
o Develop Asset Investment Planning and Optimisation systems and processes
o Asset Management Education and Communication
o Develop Life Cycle Costing and Value Realisation
o Carry out a certification assessment for ISO 55001
Further details are available in the Pre-Qualification document published with this Notice.
In order to participate you need to log on to etenders notice and download a pre-qualification questionnaire. You will need to register with etenders if you do not have a log on.