174981 - A study to strategically review the rail network on the island of Ireland

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The Department of Transport in co-operation with the Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland wishes to appoint a Service Provider to prepare a strategy for the development of the railway sector on the Island of Ireland over the period to 2040 (the Assignment). The Assignment shall examine the role of rail in supporting relevant policy objectives in both Ireland and Northern Ireland with particular emphasis on achieving climate change objectives. The Assignment shall strategically review the rail network on the island of Ireland in relation to improving sustainable connectivity between the major cities, enhancing regional accessibility (including to the North West) and supporting balanced regional development and considering the potential to increase rail freight. The Assignment shall consider the potential scope for improved rail services along the various existing, or future potential, corridors of the network and will include consideration of high-level design and operational proposals for identified corridors as appropriate. In line with the commitments in Project Ireland 2040 and the New Decade, New Approach agreement made by the Irish and British Governments, and reflecting the identified need to take a broader multidisciplinary view of the railway sector, the Assignment will take a strategic view on how the railway sector can support the relevant National Strategic Outcomes of the National Planning Framework in Ireland and the Outcomes within the draft Northern Ireland PfG. This will therefore provide a solid foundation for sustainable economic development over the next 20 years.


28/05/2021 17:00:00

60200000-0  Railway transport services
60000000-8  Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
60210000-3  Public transport services by railways

Department of Transport
Leeson Lane
Dublin 2
View profile

Patricia O'Keefe

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 08/04/2021 14:11
    Corrigendum (TED (v209)) 13/05/2021 12:11
A Study to strategically review the rail network on the island of Ireland to improving sustainable connectivity, enhancing regional accessibility and considering rail freight potential

A Study to strategically review the rail network on the island of Ireland in relation to improving sustainable connectivity between the major cities, enhancing regional accessibility and balanced regional development and considering the potential to increase rail freight

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