FCC/236/19 - Landscape Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services Single Party Framework Agreement for Fingal County Council

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Fingal County Council is seeking to establish a Single-Party Framework Agreement for a Landscape Architect Led Integrated Design Team. The proposed framework will be established on foot of an initial contract for the completion of a design for the development of Church Field Linear Park Development which is made up of 3No separate but integrated parks. These include Wellview Park (existing), Church Fields Linear Park and Pinkeen River Wetlands Park. The Integrated Design Team will be responsible for providing all construction-related technical advice and design services as required under the scope of services for the project. The maximum estimated value of professional services over the lifetime of the framework is in the region of €3 million (excluding VAT). The award of the contract and any further contract(s) under the framework agreement is subject to available funding. The framework will be established for a period of four (4) years.


07/08/2020 12:00:00

71420000-8  Landscape architectural services
71200000-0  Architectural and related services
71210000-3  Advisory architectural services
71220000-6  Architectural design services
71221000-3  Architectural services for buildings
71300000-1  Engineering services
71311000-1  Civil engineering consultancy services
71311100-2  Civil engineering support services
71312000-8  Structural engineering consultancy services
71313000-5  Environmental engineering consultancy services
71313420-5  Environmental standards for construction
71315210-4  Building services consultancy services
71317200-5  Health and safety services
71317210-8  Health and safety consultancy services
71322000-1  Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
71324000-5  Quantity surveying services
71333000-1  Mechanical engineering services
71334000-8  Mechanical and electrical engineering services
71351914-3  Archaeological services
71400000-2  Urban planning and landscape architectural services
90700000-4  Environmental services

Fingal County Council
Main Street
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Joan Brosnan

Published notices
Contract notice (TED (v209)) 22/06/2020 16:10
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) 20/01/2021 13:41
Landscape Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services Single Party Framework Agreement for Fingal County Council
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