29/07/2020 16:00:00
90713000-8 Environmental issues consultancy services
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Custom House
Dublin 1
View profile
Donal Grant
http://Dept. Housing, Local Government & Heritage
Notice | Date of dispatch |
Contract notice (TED (v209)) | 17/06/2020 16:11 |
Contract award notice (TED (v209)) | 17/10/2020 23:10 |
A Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment screening and potentially a full Appropriate Assessment of the third cycle River Basin Management Plan under the Water Framework Directive.
The Contracting Authority is seeking one supplier for the requirements of this RFT. It is currently envisaged that the successful Tenderer will commence work in Q3 2020, although Covid 19 restrictions may impact on this commencement date.