() () ()Sacred Heart School
Castlebar Road
Co Mayo
Roll No: 64710R
18th September 2019
Re: Tender for Consultancy Services (Open Procedure)
For: Quantity Surveying Services
A Dhaoine Uaisle,
The Board of Management of Sacred Heart School, Westport (the Contracting Authority for this project) invites you to tender for services in the above consultancy discipline as detailed below.
Form of Contract
The form of Contract will be:
(a) The Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services, DoES COE1 – including Schedules A&B (Architect, Design Team Leader),
(b) The Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services, DoES COE1 – including Schedules A&B (Engineers & QS)
as appropriate, both available at (http://www.education.ie/) under School Building & Design > Appointment of Consultants.
Tender Submission Procedure
The latest time and date for return of Tenders is: 17:00hrs, 18th October 2019
Tenders to be returned via eTenders portal only
This notification to candidates is being issued by eTenders portal and shall be deemed to have been received unless the intended recipient can provide evidence of non-delivery. The non-receipt of such communications shall not invalidate the tender process or award for this project.
Tender submissions must be received by eTenders portal only, with the onus resting with the Tendering party to ensure receipt of the submission before the latest time and date for receipt of tenders.
Tenders sent to any other address will be deemed to be invalid tenders. Unsigned tenders/tender proposal forms will likewise be deemed to be invalid tenders. The signatures must be that of a Principal or Director of the firm.
Tenders will be assessed on the basis of the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT). The marks for each of the award criteria will be as stated in the Explanatory Notes attached to the Forms of Tender.
Tenders must be in the format prescribed in the Form of Tender.
Tenders must contain:
1. The completed and signed document entitled “Form of Tender (and Tender Proposal Form) for Consultants (Architect/Design Team Leader & Assigned Certifier)”
The completed and signed document entitled “Form of Tender (and Tender Proposal Form) for Consultants (Engineers & Quantity Surveyor)” (as appropriate).
2. A signed copy of DoES-QC1 Suitability Assessment Declaration 2017 with appropriate attachments.
This Request for Tender contains all the background information that will be made available to candidates for this submission, and no additional information will be provided.
Any requests relating to purely factual or procedural matters must be made by e-mail on eTenders Portal only.
Where such requests for information (in relation to purely factual or procedural matters) require an amendment to the information provided in the Tender Documents, that information will be made available to all candidates who have obtained a copy of this document.
The latest date for submitting queries is 5 days before the latest date for tender submissions.
Final answers to all queries will be issued to all tenderers not later than 3 days before the latest date for tender submissions.
Description of the Project
Please see attached Project Brief & full Schedule of Additional Accommodation.
In summary, the project will comprise:
· 1 General Classroom 38.5 m2
· 2 Science Laboratories 177.2 m2
· 1 Science Prep Area 38.5 m2
· 1 Technology Room 148.8 m2
· 1 Technology Prep Area 58.6 m2
· 1 Staff Room 149 m2
· 1 Special Education Tuition Room 15 m2
· Student Toilets & 1 Universal Student Toilet
· Staff Toilets
· Locker Space
Giving Gross Floor Area including circulation area & partitions of 889.8 m2.
· Removal of 7 Prefabs
The above description is indicative of the size and nature of the project but the extent of accommodation to be provided may increase or decrease. Additional accommodation may be added to the brief including the provision of an additional school (on the same site or sites) at the discretion of the Contracting Authority.
Any additional accommodation added at the discretion of the Contracting Authority is subject to the restrictions as set out in Article 72 of Directive 2014/24/EU (Regulation 72, European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016)
Scope of Work
Full (1) Architectural, (2) Civil Structural Engineering, (3) Building Services (M&E) Engineering, and (4) Quantity Surveying Services (as appropriate) in accordance with the Department’s Design Team Procedures and associated Practice Notes and DoES Schedule of Stage Services for Construction Consultants (Revision 5, Jan 2018), current at the time of tender.
The Total Performance Period for the performance of the Services is stated in Section 4 of the Instructions to Tenderers document.
The Scope of Services may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Contracting Authority and the fee for such increases/ decreases will be determined at the Client’s choice in proportion to the increase/decrease in those Services or by the Scheduled Time Charges for changes as specified in Clause 11 of the Conditions of Engagement.
Basis of Assessment for Award Criteria
Compliance Check
Tenders may be checked for compliance with this Invitation to Tender and the Tender Proposal form. Tenders which do not comply with these requirements may be excluded from further consideration.
Criterion A, B1, B2 and C
The basis of assessment of the Award Criteria is detailed in the Explanatory Notes attached to the Form of Tender.
Tender Documents
Documents to be included in the Contract:
Attached to this email and available at (http://www.education.ie/) under School Building & Design > Appointment of Consultants:
Available at (http://www.education.ie/) under School Building & Design > Appointment of Consultants:
Attached to this email:
Documents not forming part of the Contract:
This Letter of Invitation to Tender and any other information issued to Candidates not stated to amend the Contract documents.
Project Type / Complexity Level / Reference Hours
The project is designated as Type 2a (1)
The Notional Capital Value is: €1,764,700
The service is for all project stages (i.e. Stages 1 to 5 inclusive). The project Type determines the Reference Hours that are assigned to the project. Candidates can view the reference hours for each discipline by opening the Excel Marking Matrix 2018, selecting the appropriate discipline and selecting the Project Type from the drop down menu revealed by clicking on “Complexity Level”. The Excel Marking Matrix 2018 is only used for assessment of tenders. For a full explanation of how tenders are assessed using the marking matrix.
See Explanatory Notes attached to the Form of Tender.
Site Visit Details
4th October 2019 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
11th October 2019 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
Is mise, le meas,
Majella Morrison
Principal &
Secretary, Board of Management