Cleeves Riverside Quarter - RFT for Professional Services for strategic urban development in Limerick

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Limerick Twenty Thirty Strategic Development DAC, wish to procure consultants to assist in the development of Cleeves Riverside Quarter, a key strategic site in Limerick City Centre.

The services required will include:
Lot 1 - Architect led Design Team services.
Lot 2 - Project and Cost Management.
Lot 3 - Planning Consultantcy
A Viability Consultant will be required at a later date and will be procured as Lot 4 of this RFT.

The Cleeves Riverside Quarter is an iconic site of approximately 10 acres located on the northern bank of the river Shannon in Limerick City Centre.

It is zoned 'City Centre Area' in the City Development Plan, and deemed suitable for a number of uses including Commercial, Residential and Educational.

Limerick Twenty Thirty is tasked with delivering a visionary development at the site given its historical and socio-economic significance for Limerick and the wider Mid-West region